Before we came back to Laos we had said we would commit to a couple of events – one of which was a trip back to NZ to join in the birthday celebrations of Lyn and Kerrie on October.
Andrew managed to reschedule board meetings and I flew down a couple of days later. With a short time frame we scheduled in as much as possible and as a result, the trip rather felt like we were constantly travelling at 100 mph.
Drinks and dinner at the Hop garden was a good opportunity to see a number of people in one go – and some great beer and food. And thanks to our ‘flatmates’, who kindly let us stay at Rankin St.
The main event was catching up with Kerrie and Lyn and other invited friends (old and new), This culminated with a trip to WOW (World of Wearable art) and seats so close to the stage you could make eye-contact with the models. This was followed by a delicious late dinner at the Tinakori Bistro, with some very nice wines.
Then it was another airplane through to Melbourne where we spent a quick 2 nights with Sophie and Hayley. It was great – even if we took zero photos!
Then back onto 3 more flights, Melbourne, Sydney, Bangkok and finally Vientiane. And as usual Andrew relaxes away all stress with time in the pool and snazzy new goggles from NZ
Nice! That shot of Mr A in the pool with the spikey bits coming out of his head – please submit to Mr. Jackson for his next horror movie. Looking forward to catchup as opportunity presents.